The Boston Logan International Airport (Logan) Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP)



The Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) has initiated a voluntary RSIP to mitigate the effects of aircraft noise for properties surrounding Boston Logan.

The purpose of the Logan RSIP is to reduce interior noise levels pursuant to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) required noise reduction goals and guidelines.

To be considered for participation in the Logan RSIP, a home must meet all the following criteria:

  • Located within the current 2022 Noise Exposure Map (to be updated periodically)
  • Sound insulated prior to 1993 OR has never been sound insulated by Massport and was built before 1998
  • Passes an acoustical test with an interior noise level above 45 DNL


To participate in the Logan RSIP, homeowners must submit an application for consideration. Only submit an application if you received written notification of eligibility from the Logan RSIP. Click HERE to submit an application online. Click HERE to download a PDF of the application.

To determine if your home is eligible, we encourage you to contact us by using Massport’s Noise Report Line at 617-561-3333